I accept there are many people who are struggling with finding something to do, other than go out. If you are one of those people, read on, just for something to do.
If you are one of the other people, like me, who is feeling overwhelmed, here is what helped me.
The reason I got overwhelmed is with no international travel to plan, no family visits to go on, no outings to go on, no holidays to relax me, and no external entertainment to distract me I had filled my mind with ‘stuff to do around the house’ and ‘stuff to do at work’. Suddenly I had no boundaries. I have all day and all night available don’t I? Surely there is no excuse to not get stuff done?
How did I fix it? I went on holiday.
I canceled all my self-made commitments. The chores can wait. The business can wait. Life will still go on if I read a book. The world will still keep turning if I don't achieve all the things on my list. Almost instantly, my stress dissolved. Looking at two days with a completely clear calendar was unbelievably therapeutic.
Try it - even if you are locked up at home - take a few day's leave. It may work wonders.
And for the bored folk still reading this, why not #business start a consulting company focussing on how to get us busy folk to do less. :-)
#covid #leadership #mentalhealth